Thursday, April 5, 2007

And one for the road...

I had to do one more, for the road! :)

Thing 23 (Yeah!)

I have enjoyed the Learning 2.0 process. I was frustrated with some of the Things due to software issues or confusion. But it didn't seem like enough frustration to turn me entirely away from the project.

I would enjoy doing something similar again. I did learn alot. I just hope my memory remembers all that we have done!

Cool Slideshow Thing

I wanted to try this slideshow thing that is like on the Learning 2.0 blog. I thought it was cool! I used pics I had made from pervious 2.0 activities. Hope it works!

Cool Slideshows

Thing 22

I had a really hard time with this. First, I couldn't find my favorite author when I did a search. I then found another author to download, but then there wasn't enough disk space on my f: drive to save it. Then I saved the file on my hard drive, which it did do, but then I got an error message that the player encountered problems. Grrr!

Perhaps if everything worked well, having digital books is great! But only if all steps downloading them go smoothly.