Monday, July 2, 2007

Nextflix for Books

I just found this article about a company becoming "Netflix for books." Interesting. Check it out!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

And one for the road...

I had to do one more, for the road! :)

Thing 23 (Yeah!)

I have enjoyed the Learning 2.0 process. I was frustrated with some of the Things due to software issues or confusion. But it didn't seem like enough frustration to turn me entirely away from the project.

I would enjoy doing something similar again. I did learn alot. I just hope my memory remembers all that we have done!

Cool Slideshow Thing

I wanted to try this slideshow thing that is like on the Learning 2.0 blog. I thought it was cool! I used pics I had made from pervious 2.0 activities. Hope it works!

Cool Slideshows

Thing 22

I had a really hard time with this. First, I couldn't find my favorite author when I did a search. I then found another author to download, but then there wasn't enough disk space on my f: drive to save it. Then I saved the file on my hard drive, which it did do, but then I got an error message that the player encountered problems. Grrr!

Perhaps if everything worked well, having digital books is great! But only if all steps downloading them go smoothly.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thing 21

I tried all the podcast sites. I had trouble with one because my computer didn't have the right software. But I got on I got to hear an interesting NPR story about how astronauts try to sleep in space. They have to tie pillows to their heads and use velcro strips to tie their legs to their bodies if they want to sleep in a fetal position. All very interesting stuff.

I can see podcasts being useful. Just like radio and TV.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thing 20

I have heard a lot about YouTube in the news. But I never looked at it, especially since my home computer supposedly didn't have the "right" sotfware, download, etc.

At first I clicked on whatever was on the homepage, which included the "Toilet Paper Folder and Dispenser" video.

Then I did a search for "funny" and came across this funny video of cats. LOL!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Thing 19

I went through the list and came across It basically allows you to literally self-publish your novel, which instrigued me. You can choose font type, cover color, binding type, etc. For a writer who just wants to see his or her writing in published form this site might work. It doesn't provide marketing services or anything beyond the printing of your written work. But for some, seeing your work in book form is enough.

Monday, March 5, 2007

I am now trying this through Google Docs. Let's see how this goes!

Thing 18

As you see below, I did the last post through Zoho! Very interesting how you can now do on-line word processing and then just post it to your blog. That might be kind of handy for me when it comes to my personal blog, That would save a step between writing my work in MS Word and then copying and pasting it in Blogger. Something to think about in the future.

Post Through Zoho! Writer

I am practicing this on-line word processing software. Interesting.


Thing 17

PB Wiki. Hmmm. Again, I must be an "old-timer," but I really don't like the idea of making a website and letting others add to it as they please. I guess this would be good to have for an on-line class or discussion perhaps.

Although, I saw this wiki,, where people can add a sentence or chapter to a book. As a writer, that seemed intriguing.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thing 16

Wikis. I don't know about them. I tend to not trust people and so I wouldn't want just anyone to post on my wiki. However, I have searched Wikipedia and found it somewhat useful. So I might visit a wiki but not make one of my own.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Thing 15

Library 2.0. Interesting concept. I thought it was interesting what Rick Anderson noted how his system's circ has gone down over 50% in over a decade. He suggested that we stop planning for what our patrons need in print form because of all the digital options these days. But can you imagine not having shelves of books for patrons to read? I can't. At least not yet.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thing 14

All right. I'm going to see if I can tag this post using the HTML code and the tag "L2LCPL."

All right! I think it worked. Now I am going to try the tag, "writing."

Woo-yoo! I think it worked!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Thing 13

I don't know about this tag thing. It sounds cool in a way. But you are dependent on people correctly tagging their sites, pages, etc. Like I could make a tag of "writing" and someone else could make a tag of "writer" and even though they are similar tags, we may never share similiar sites. At least that seems like a real hazard to me.

It could be handy though for those who want to share a multiple list of websites. Not sure if I would. I use the Web but not so extensively that I need a whole webpage to store and sort them. (At least not yet!) ;)

Monday, February 5, 2007

Thing 12

My Rollyo:

I can see where this could come in handy for many in this library system. I don't think of anything I could use it for right now but there may be a time in the future I may need it. I will keep this in mind!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Thing 11a

Yeah! I finally got Library Thing to work! It's listed at the right side of the screen of this blog.

Phew! That took some work!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thing 11

This is rather cool! It might come in handy for someone who wants to keep track of what they have read. Over the years, one could forget and a tool such as this would really help!

However, whenever I go to copy the HTML code into my blog, Blogger won't accept the code. :( I'll keep trying.

Here's a link: Not as fancy as the widget would be, though.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thing 10

It took me awhile to learn how to do this. Thanks to Meredith, I did! And then I had a ball with it! :)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Thing 9

Hmmm. Interesting things, these feeds. Honestly, I don't read multiple websites or blogs to really appreciate the power of Feeds. But it's good to know what they are.

I found the Technorati search the easiest to use of the 4 listed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thing 8

I worked on Thing 8. A bit difficult, this one! I am glad to finally know a bit about what RSS feeds are. But I'm not sure how often I will use it. Time will tell.

Here's a link:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thing 7

I first learned about blogging a few years ago. I even have my own personal blog at to promote my writing career and my book. But I am interested in learning more about other technology, such as the RSS feeds.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Another Flickr Test

C H R I Blackie\ T-time Y N is for Montréal A

Flickr is working for me now! :)

Monday, January 8, 2007

Thing 6

It was hard to pick a favorite picture "thing." I tried hockney and Spell with Flickr. I tried to get the example of the Spell with Flickr to paste on this page, but am not having any luck. :(

Thing 5

I think I did this correctly. Am not sure. I uploaded an image to Flickr and I hope it's correct. I included the tag "L2LCPL" and have made the image public. Here's a link

The photo is above.